Behavior Expectations Matrix
Classroom |
Playground |
Hallways |
Cafeteria |
Restrooms |
Assemblies |
Before & After School |
I am Respectful
I will… |
Be silent during announcements
Raise my hand to talk
Work with others |
Take turns
Include everyone
Listen to adults
Be a good friend |
Have a quiet voice
Greet others politely |
Keep my voice down
Be polite |
Give privacy to others
Use soft voices
Flush |
Clap when appropriate
Listen, learn, and participate
Keep my hands to myself |
Obey crossing guards and playground supervisors
I am Responsible
I will… |
Complete my work
Stay on task and focused
Try my best |
Dress for the weather
Bring in what you take out
Line up promptly
Report incidents |
Be line ready
Have a pass |
Leave the area clean
Wait in line patiently
Remember my lunch code |
Be quick
Keep the restroom clean |
Make a good seating choice
Sit on my bottom |
Be on time
Be prepared
Line up quickly when bell rings
Make sure I have all my homework |
I am Safe
I will… |
Follow directions
Use materials appropriately and clean them up
Use equipment appropriately
Keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself
Stay in supervised areas
Walk at all times |
Eat my own food
Put playground balls in the box
Walk quietly
Enter/Exit through correct doors |
Wash hands with soap and water
Throw paper towels away in the trash can |
Stay with my class |
Walk my bike on campus
Use crosswalks and sidewalks
Look for my ride |