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Behavior Expectations Matrix



Classroom Clipart


Playground Clipart


Hallways Line Clipart



Restroom Clipart


Assembly Clipart

Before & After School

Backpack Clipart

I am Respectful


I will…

Be silent during announcements


Raise my hand to talk


Work with others

Take turns


Include everyone


Listen to adults


Be a good friend

Have a quiet voice


Greet others politely

Keep my voice down


Be polite

Give privacy to others


Use soft voices



Clap when appropriate


Listen, learn, and participate


Keep my hands to myself

Obey crossing guards and playground supervisors



I am Responsible


I will…

Complete my work


Stay on task and focused




Try my best

Dress for the weather


Bring in what you take out


Line up promptly


Report incidents

Be line ready


Have a pass

Leave the area clean


Wait in line patiently


Remember my lunch code

Be quick


Keep the restroom clean

Make a good seating choice


Sit on my bottom

Be on time


Be prepared


Line up quickly when bell rings


Make sure I have all my homework

I am



I will…

Follow directions


Use materials appropriately and clean them up



Use equipment appropriately


Keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself


Stay in supervised areas


Walk at all times

Eat my own food


Put playground balls in the box


Walk quietly


Enter/Exit through correct doors

Wash hands with soap and water


Throw paper towels away in the trash can

Stay with my class

Walk my bike on campus


Use crosswalks and sidewalks


Look for my ride